Friday, February 23, 2018

Opal mexican large roundelles

So you don't recommend opals, Rhea, why is that?

Hmm, Clarissa, that is a bit like saying I don't recommend men. I've got my man and he's a good one. At this point in my life I can say there are many males that are best avoided and that is what men and opals have in common.

So what you are saying is that I have to find "my opal?"

No, said Rhea, that would be a fool's errand. There are so many soft, easily destroyed, formed of hardened jelly, but very pretty rocks out there categorized as opal, I would say:
- Don't spend an arm and a leg
- Take time to look at your options, you might try more than one

That is sensible, said Clarissa, what do you have in the shop? Well, here is a blue Peruvian Opal, and what you are holding right now is a Mexican Fire Opal. Those are best to either see before purchase, or get from someone you trust, there is a lot of variance.

But it doesn't sparkle, I thought fire . . .

Fire is the colors, red, orange, yellow, and whiteish, but if you pay enough, you can certainly get sparkly versions of fire opal, just don't expect to bequeath them to your daughter.

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