Thursday, March 15, 2018

Sapphire multi-color

Rhea, I guess you heard about Mike and the cancer.

Yes, I pray for him and his family every day, family too. I know you must be concerned about your sister Carolyn.

Thank you Rhea. I would like to get her something to cheer her up, to let her know we are rooting for her.

Bubba, you remember that time you bought your wife a chainsaw for Christmas and you were in the doghouse for a month? There is such a thing as an inappropriate gift. Right now she is cataloging her black A line dresses and I already know she has pearls; I helped Mike pick the strand two years ago.

I know Rhea, but I want something cheerful, quality, it says I care, but happy.

Against my better judgement Bubba, for what you want, the is the happiest and least inappropriate item I am stocking.

You know there was a time when only the blue gemstone form of corundum was considered worthy of the name, "sapphire". I really do appreciate the various forms that it comes in. There is a story behind every color. See these red ones? You aren't supposed to call them sapphires, purists say rubies. When they are in a multi-color string like this, I call them sapphires, when they are by themselves, I go with the flow and call them rubies.

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